and πππ―πΊπΆπ your ai short film – Submissions are OPEN –
β Narratives
β Pilots
β Documentaries
β Experimental
β Challenge 

a) Main Award β Best AI Short Film
(This award recognizes the overall excellence of an AI-generated short film)
Prize: to be announced soon
b) Katalist.AI Storytelling Award
(This award celebrates the most effective use of AI to enhance the narrative of a short film)
Prize: 6,000 Credits in Katalist.AI. (One Annual Essential Subscription of Katalist.AI
c) Most Innovative AI Technique
(This award honors the most groundbreaking and creative application of AI in filmmaking,in VFX & in SFX)
Prize: The new RX 11 Advanced by Native Instruments (worthing 1,299β¬)
d) Best Greek AI Film
(This award recognizes the best AI-generated short film created by a Greek filmmaker)
Prize: Musavir. AI Credits & more to be announced soon
e) Lumina Muse Challenge Award & Honorable Mentions
Prives : – A perpetual copy of Neutron 4 by Native Instruments & more to be announced soon
Each submission is automatically entered into all five awards categories (Best AI Short, Katalist AI Storytelling, Most Innovative AI and Best Greek AI & Lumina Muse.)